Thursday, December 01, 2011

I'm Very Thankful

THANKSGIVING 2011.  Jennifer claims Thanksgiving as her holiday and every year she goes all out in making the turkey and making this day very special for the Wu family.

Another great family holiday came and gone.  Can't believe that it was already a week ago when we gathered at Jason and Jennifer's place for the holiday meal.  It took Jennifer a month to plan and two weeks to put things together, and couple of days to get ready.  And just like that, it was here and gone.

As always, the family started with a toast and a round of Thank You to each one of us.  Yes, we are thankful that the family is always there for one and other providing unconditional love and support.  Yes, we are thankful that in this difficult time, we still have jobs and we still get to splurge a little bit.  Nothing fancy, nothing big but we were able to enjoy things within our means.  And yes, we are thankful that we are all able to celebrate Thanksgiving together.  Nothing is more important than that.  Unfortunately, for some families, that was just not possible due to unpredictable circumstances.

Personally, I'm thankful that life is very good to me.  Things can always be better, but I am thankful for what I have today.  I'm also thankful that I have the ability to do better tomorrow.

Thank you, Jennifer, for making this beautiful 20-pound turkey.  It was yum!

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