Monday, June 21, 2010

Summer Solstice 2010

First day of summer: yes, the longest day of the year. This is the build-up,boys and girls, from the first day of spring. Notice that we have been getting a little bit more light each day until today, the pinnacle in terms of daylight? After today, less light each day until we're back to the dark, pitch-black 5pm... Boy, what a party pooper I am.

This summer has been slow coming. We got rain through most of Spring. Weather has been mild even in the inlands. Ladies still wear scarves although I can't tell if it's fashion or the cool temperature. People seem to be more subdue, less bounch in their steps... Not sure if it's the poor economy or the cold temperature.

But remember, we only get one shot of summer each year. Make it work! Enjoy what we have today.

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