Sunday, June 27, 2010

2010 Summer Party

Summer Party @ the Jo Lin Club is an annual tradition. It started almost 10 years ago with the girls getting the families together so they get to know each other. It then became an annual thing. It usually starts with finding a agreeable date early in the year so everyone can mark their calendars, then a month or two of menu planning.

The start of summer is the end of the crawfish season and if all possible, we put on a Cajun crawfish boil. When the kids were younger, they would woo-and-ahh over them. I still remember one year the crawfish got away and we sent the kids all over to catch them. Now the kids want to take them home as pets. OK, so few less crawfish to eat but more memories for the kids. Yes, crawfish does pretty well at home.

One other highlight is our annual wine tasting thanks to Sandra's generosity. Funny how we never got better with our wine notes but we sure get a kick out of wine sampling.

Jason did a good job with the drinks this year. He is getting better at it. Plenty of soft drinks, water and good beer. James drove to Tomales Bay yesterday morning to pick up oysters and was shucking oysters all day. Patty's family is the king of hors-d'oeuvre and it's a elaborate family production. Not only Patty's husband and girls make them, they serve them too. Wow!

Sandy, Julia, Linda and Julie always make sure there is enough food to feed everyone from morning to night. They prepare plenty to replenish hungry tummies in a 12-hour stretch. I usually have to beg them to take the leftovers home. We did good this year though, not much leftover. I guess we are finally getting it.

What has been a little get together among girls is now a family function. Kids grow, wrinkles deepen but friendship stays.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Summer Solstice 2010

First day of summer: yes, the longest day of the year. This is the build-up,boys and girls, from the first day of spring. Notice that we have been getting a little bit more light each day until today, the pinnacle in terms of daylight? After today, less light each day until we're back to the dark, pitch-black 5pm... Boy, what a party pooper I am.

This summer has been slow coming. We got rain through most of Spring. Weather has been mild even in the inlands. Ladies still wear scarves although I can't tell if it's fashion or the cool temperature. People seem to be more subdue, less bounch in their steps... Not sure if it's the poor economy or the cold temperature.

But remember, we only get one shot of summer each year. Make it work! Enjoy what we have today.