Thursday, December 31, 2009

2010: May It Be Mine

Hey, I like what I read! My 2010 horoscopes is actually pretty good. I get excited because my previous few new year horoscopes have been pretty shabby. It has been: not good, no luck, no money, nothing for ya....Gee, what a way to start a new year. But for once, I got a good one. Woo-hoo!

As I read on...hmmm... something about I shouldn't be buying cars, computers, printers and phones when Mercury going retrograde in 2010... no idea what that means, but, heck, I've already bought a car, a PC, a printer and a phone this year, so I think I'm good. Isn't this FABU? It's as if all my stars lined up. Woo-hoo again!

Seriously though, horoscopes are for fun and giggles. Don't let them get to you. Good or bad, we are the only ones that can make things happen for ourselves.

Yes, make things happen and improve them while we're at it. I set a bar for myself to reach each year. 2009 was to GIVE MORE. 2010 will be to DO MORE. I'm blessed that I can so I should. Don't know what awaits me in 2010, but I'll do my best to make my good horoscopes come true.

Happy New Year to Me and to Everyone!!

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