Friday, May 22, 2009

A Little Victory for the Day

A TALKING JEEP WRANGLER. Little do I know that cars of nowadays are totally computerized. For the past 12 years, I have zipped up and down in my littler basic hardy bimmer and never have to pay attention to this kind of stuff. Then come along this little Jeep telling me what to do.

One chime here if I didn't do this; one blinking indicator light there if I did that. The instrument panel has about a dozen different colorful icons with dinging sounds. It's kind of hard to read them all when they light up at start up.

So I finally solved the ESP problem. Well, it wasn't a problem. The Jeep was just thinking hard. The service people finally had to re-flash the chip -- kind of like zapping the brain -- so everything is back to normal now, until...

CLICK! YOU'RE NOW LOCKED IN. I was tickled pink when I discovered that my Jeep automatically locks the doors when I start driving. How cool is that? I know it's nothing new but I never had it before. But there is always a downside with things being so automatic. You get used to it, then you get lost when it stops working. Yap, my Jeep decided that it didn't want to auto-lock the doors anymore all of a sudden. I just can't figure out what happened. I've done nothing. Why? Why? Why? Not that I miss it, but it WAS there.

INQUIRING MIND WANTS TO KNOW. I've been googling these couple of nights. I'm determined to find out what the heck is going on. I thought it may have to do with the chip re-flashing. If so, then it would have been a programming issue not a part failure (so I hope). After couple of nights of searching, I'm happy to learn that it's a program issue, and there are plenty of people out there with the same issue!

It was amazing to learn that owners can actually program their cars nowadays. Click here. Switch there. For example, I can reprogram the Jeep to auto-lock at 15mph and auto-unlock all doors or not all doors. I can even program it to shut up or not to beam light like a beacon. Wow!

I tried for couple of days following the programming sequences but there are couple of variations on the Internet. I tried them all but none seemed to work. Heck, I even tried my own combination of buttons and timing of button pushing. None to avail. The funny thing is you don't know if you're programming it to enable or disable the function because it's the same sequence for both! So, I would go through the sequence, then drive it to test it. It was quite amusing. Well, nothing worked.

Not giving up, I gave it another shot this afternoon. I picked this variation of the sequence: cycle the key from Lock to On 4 times and leave it at the Lock position at the end of the 4th cycle and click the power lock downward once. A wonderful chime came on, Voila! It worked this time.

What a great feeling of conquering! Small, insignificant but it made my day. :)

For Jeep Wrangler owners: check out the
JK-Forum. Great place to learn about the talking Wrangler.

Now, I am ready to have serious fun!!

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