Friday, January 16, 2009

When Is a Sale a Sale?

SALE SIGNS EVERYWHERE. I never have seen so many sale signs in my life. Everyone knows, our economy is going way down and retailers are doing all they can to make people spend.

Walking down any street, it's amazing to see the percentage of the discounts displayed. I don't see anything less than 50%. 50%, 70%, 75% is the norm. Scary isn't it?

Saw a confusing sign the other day: pre-sale sale. So, should I go before the sale for the great deals or wait for the sale? Then another sign that is equally confusing today: after-sale sale. Heck! When is the real sale? And, what kind of discount do I get before and after the sale?

I should have taken pictures of all these sales signs I saw along the way - it's the sign of the time. Kind of funny yet sad.

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