Thursday, January 08, 2009

It’s a Blurrrry Cold New Year

We are eight days into 2009, and it’s been cold and foggy the whole time. It’s not a pretty picture for the country and the world and we get lousy weather too. It’s like Mother Nature is depressed too. Misery loves company.

2008 ended miserably – worse than 2007 – and 2009 is not looking too good so far. Bad news continues everyday and everywhere. Why is that? Don’t we know that bad news feeds itself? It’s going to get worse if we keep focusing on the bads.

There must be something good, happy, and positive in the midst of all these. I’ll have to find it and I’ll share. We, somehow, have to turn this ship around. Good news feeds itself too. We just have to get it started.

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