Wednesday, December 31, 2008

What's In for 2009

Today's Horoscope: mine said, 'You'll have to wait until May to get what you want, but think of it this way - you've something to look forward to!"

What's-Up-With-That? Didn't I have my share of bads already? What did I do to deserve this? I guess I should look on the bright side, there is light at the end of the tunnel. It's a lot better than my Ox year prediction-- I'm supposed to have a rotten year when the ox (or the cow) comes around. Gee... I can't hardly wait!!

*Sigh*. Oh well, life goes on. Let's make the best of it. There is no other way. I hope you all the very best too.

Happy thoughts, people.

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Tuesday, December 30, 2008

My Lack of Depth

Point and Shoot. Finally getting somewhere understanding how to take more sophisticated pictures with my little camera.

I'm always impressed how people take pictures that show depth and dimensions. Some of my pics are not too bad (lucky shots), but I always feel that my pics lack something. It's like playing a nice piece of music but with the wrong instrument -- something just doesn't seem right.

I have asked James, my professional- photographing brother, how to take pictures that are both focused and blurry. He tried explaining HOW to me many times. It's called Depth of Field (DOF) and it has to do with apertures, light, focal lengths, blah, blah, blah... Huh? I usually get more confused afterward.

How Deep Does This Get?

#1 F-numbers (f-stops) are in reverse order of the aperture size. Increasing f-stop means decreasing aperture.

#2 Smaller apertures increase DOF. Conversely, larger apertures decrease DOF.

But remember...

#3 More (deep) DOF means all will be in focus, where as less (shallow) DOF means only the main subject is in focus resulting in more artistic pictures.

What Does It Mean? In this case, SHALLOW is more sophisticated than DEEP I gather...

I thought I was hopelessly lost. Perhaps auto mode is all I can handle. However, something magically happened today -- something clicked in my brain and this DOF thing all of a sudden made sense to me!

So, take a look at the pics taken with my newly acquired knowledge today. What do you think? Did I get my shallow DOF?

I owe my new found knowledge to this web site:

Now, onward to figuring out shutter speeds and ISOs...

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Saturday, December 27, 2008

So Now What after X'Mas?

I dislike the day after Christmas. It feels like a deflated balloon. It takes weeks (or months this year) to inflate the holiday balloon. Then, as soon as Christmas is over, everything is all let out overnight. No more decorations, no more excitement, and no more Christmas music. Only emptiness is left behind and naked Christmas trees being left by the curb.

Ironically, those lovely wrapped presents, carefully placed under the tree, are being brought back to the stores for exchanges or refund. Admit it, some of you can't wait to return them. Ugh!

Somehow holiday season is turning into shopping season. Why do people have to shop especially during this time? So, gift giving is a reason but a lot of people buy for themselves. Holiday spirit should be about family, love, sharing, appreciating and treasuring the good things that one has in life. Why do people have to go running around, spending money and then getting all stressed out??

I spent a total of $75.00 on gift this year -- on the kids who innocently believe there is Santa Clause. No, Auntie is not going to tell them that there is no Santa Clause.

But I did get something. I got my family and I was able to cook and eat dinner with them on Christmas Eve. Can't ask for more.

Make everyday a holiday people. Celebrate that you have another safe and peaceful day and you get to say Good Night to your loved ones.

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Friday, December 12, 2008

It's So Hard to Say Good Bye

Dudu Keng: 5/29/1996 - 12/12/2008

Robert and I had to say good-bye to Dudu today. His kidney failed and he was not responding to treatment. Dr. Kim said best to let him go because he was suffering. Robert and I knew it was the best for Dudu but does it hurt to make that decision.

The pain was just as bad as when we had to let Max go. It never gets easier. Knowing that no one will be waiting at the door is heartbreaking. No wagging, no running in circles, no demanding for hugs and treats... life is so different without Max then and Dudu now.

Dudu. His name meant round and chubby in Chinese. Yap, he was a chubby puppy running fast on 4 stubby legs. He grew to become quite a handsome boy. He had thought that he could be the alpha dog in the house but gave up after trying for a day. Max was Mr. Alpha. Dudu wasn't sour though. He was happy to be the little brother following Max around. they were inseparable.

Dudu became our only son when Max passed away. He filled the void left by Max and eased our pain of losing Max. He faithfully kept Robert company when he worked in the wee hours. He rather stayed with Robert and sleep on the floor than in his doggy bed in the bedroom.

It's so true that dogs are man's special friends. They never complain and never ask for anything in return. We are truly lucky to be selected as their best friends.

Rest in peace, Dudu. Thank you for all the love and joy. You were a wonderful doggy and it was a privilege to be your mommy and daddy.

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

When the Stars Line Up...

I've been noticing a pretty sight in the night sky these past few days around 6pm or so. Two bright stars twinkling near the moon. They are big, bright and shiny. I thought they were airplanes at first. But, together? Every night around the same time? I don't think so. I think they are some planets but which two?

So I googled "two stars with the moon on 12/2/08" and amazingly I got answers!! These two stars are actually planet Venus and Jupiter and they are in conjunction.

Think Back. What do I remember from my astronomy class eons ago? Nothing! I do remember my astronomy class was at 8am and I usually fell back to sleep when the room was dimmed and the planets and constellations were projected on the dome ceiling. ZZZZZZZ....

Venus and Jupiter seem to hang closely together (that's what conjunction means). As we all know, it just looks that way. Venus is inside the Earth's orbit and Jupiter outside. They are actually 500 million miles apart.

That's 500,000,000 miles!!

It's really a amazing sight. Two sparkling objects out-shining everything in the sky. The planets accompany the moon harmoniously. We are looking at part of our solar system. It's awesome!

I've tried taking pictures but I just can't capture the beauty of our night sky with my little camera.