Thursday, May 29, 2008

What's in Your Network?

WEB 2.0: To me, the biggest contribution Web 2.0 makes is the explosion of network structures. New technology makes sharing stories, photos, videos so effortlessly.

This Facebook place is pretty cool. I have a profile on it for a while but never really pay attention to it.- Hey, I don't even have time to keep up with blogging.- But, it seems more and more people I know are on it, and everyone is connecting - like mushrooms!

Show It! I must say though... once I start paying attention to my network, I can't stop maintaining and adding stuff to it. Check out this neat slideshow application. It's pretty cool and I can embed it here too(click the speaker to mute the music).

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Paint the Town Red

Back to New York: This time I had company. Debbie, our Controller, sync-up her schedule with mine so we could do something together after work.

The Night Life: This is the first time that I really got to enjoy New York after work. We had good food, good wine, "Hairspray" and a comedy show. Weather was kind of unpredictable - rain, wind, sun all in a day -but that didn't stop us. We only had 3 nights to pack it all in.

We got 50% off show tickets at the TKTS Discount booth. It sells day-of performance tickets but no guarantee what you will get to see. We decided to just show up and see what was available on Tuesday night. So "Hairspray" it was. Great show!! Likewise with the comedy show at Dangerfield's Comedy Club on Thursday night. No idea who was performing but "buy one get one free" tickes from the web were great deals. Great entertainment at affordable prices. Life can't get better than that.

After I got to the hotel on Monday night, I did my little nightly walk. This time, I got to visit St. Patrick's Cathedral. The building is so beautiful inside and out. A mass was going on. I stayed for a while to take it all in - the prayers, the pipe organ music, the architecture, and peace.

My Sippy Cup: I had wine in a plastic sippy cup. Ugh! DON'T LAUGH! That was the only way we could bring wine into the theater to see "Hairspray." Of course, it was a ploy to sell souvenirs but we gladly played suckers.

Girls just wanna have fun.

Friday, May 09, 2008

Secret to Shiny Pans

Treasure Hunt: On separate occasions, I found two nice stainless steel pans at the Goodwill stores. One was All-Clad and the other Emeril, also made by All-Clad. The All-Clad pan was almost brand new. Looked like someone used it once to make eggs, then decided that cleaning was too much work, so the pan was donated as is -- with a big old grease in the shape of a fried egg. Well, my gain. A new All-Clad 8 inch pan would have cost $85 and I got it for $4.99. After giving it a good scrubbing, it was as good as new.

On the other hand, the Emeril pan was in sad shape. Hardly used but someone really really burned it. It was discolored, black burnt marks and baked-on grease all over. It looked pretty pathetic. But for $2.99, I thought it was worth a try to give it its shine back and make Emeril proud.

Easier said than done. I scrubbed and scrubbed but the stubborn grease and marks wouldn't come out. I scrubbed it five days in a row with all sorts of ways but none seemed to work.

Let me count the ways:
  1. Gentle scrubbing with detergent and warm water as recommended - nope!

  2. Boiling water in the pan to dissolve the grease - nope!

  3. Scrubbing with CLR Metal Clean - some progress but the burnt marks and grease stayed.

  4. More scrubbing with baking soda - nope!

  5. Using crushed tomato to make the discoloration disappear - nope!

  6. Dare I try oven cleaner?? - nope.

  7. Finally, I tried Bar Keepers Friend and OH-MY-GOD, it worked!!!
My New Best Friend: I am totally amazed. What is this thing? How did it do it when all failed??? People, if you ever need to clean your stainless steel pots and pans, this is it. Forget everything else.
Proof: See the "after" effects? I should have taken a "before" photo but who was thinking about taking pictures of dirty pans... Anyway, I'm very happy except for my arms and hands.
Extra Bonus: I also cleaned the burner covers with BKF. They are shiny again. Wow! I'm so excited that my pots and pans will be shiny from now on.

Little yet satisfying pleasures in life. Ahhh...

Sunday, May 04, 2008

Beat It, JJ!


Mr. Jenkins (or Mr. JJ)turned 90 last Thursday (May 2nd) and he is just as perky as ever. He slowed down quite a bit after his hip surgery, but he still plays the violin with passion and vigor.

Mr. JJ was my music teacher back in junior high, then James’ and then Jason’s. We were all members of his orchestra in different school years. I played the piano, James violin and Jason cello. He got the Wu kids three years in a row, so he got to know the family very well. We stayed in touch after we graduated and went on to high school, college and to now.

His family and friends threw a birthday bash for him yesterday. Mr. JJ greeted his guests with his violin and did all the entertaining. To wish him a happy birthday, his old buddies (literally) got up one by one to sing and play for him. It was very touching! Of course, Mr. JJ had to chime along and even added few dance steps to the beat –just like how he did it when he was conducting the orchestra. He still has the moves! Not bad for a guy that is almost a century old.


Mr. JJ, best wishes and many more...