Friday, March 28, 2008

A Blast from the Past

WHAT WERE THE ODDS? RK was browsing YouTube and stumbled upon a video clip yesterday. He almost dropped from his chair when he played it, because he was in it. Not just him, but Dad, Mom, James, Connie, Amy, Lawrence as well. It was a news story produced by Dad's company, Overseas Chinese Television (OCTV), in the 80s.

He sent it over and I shared it with the family. We had a good laugh because everyone looked so different then. Well, it was a good 20 years gone by.

Not sure where the poster got the video clip (#1) but at least he credited OCTV by including the opening to the news program in its entirety. That was the most precious part.

Check out video clip #1 (especially the opening)...

1 comment:

vsherblogspot said...

Hey Su-Tsen,

How are you? What a great suprise for RK. My regards to all and I love your certainly keep me informed, enlightened and educated.