Friday, February 29, 2008

The 366th Day

It's a Leap! February 29th comes around once every four years when one extra day is added to the calendar so that the vernal equinox falls on or about March 21st every year. So why one extra day? Well, it's because of the way the earth turns. It somehow ends up with 6 additional hours at the end of the year. 6 x 4 = 24. So, we get extra 24 hours every four years. Don't say you weren't given extra time!

But, do you know that "years which are evenly divisible by 100 are not leap years unless they are also evenly divisible by 400"? Huh? Check out Wikipedia for a full explanation.

A Gorgeous Leap. The sun was out and the weather was mild. The sun was much welcome after all the rainy days in January. A great day to dry out. This seagull agreed. He (or maybe a she) sat on the post and didn't move a feather the whole time I was there.

Two Leaps Ago: Met up with the DFS gang for dinner tonight. Some of them I have not seen since I left in February 2000. Coincidently, that was a leap year too. Time flies... Can't believe that I've been gone 8 years, two years short of my tenure there.

WE ARE GETTING OLD but luckily not in leap years.

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