Friday, December 28, 2007

You're Bad, 2007!

Like ringing the closing bell eagerly on a stock losing day on Wall Street, I’m so glad that 2007 is going away.

2007 brought aches and pains to people globally, nationally, regionally, locally and to me personally . To be fair, it did bring us some things to cheer about but too little too few…

What does 2007 leave behind? Increasing global warming, never-ending wars, skyrocketing gas prices, the collapsing housing market, fires, droughts, so many people died, too many families cried, and mom’s stroke…

(and The 49ers, the Raiders, the A's and the Giants all suck too!)

Go away 2007!! I won’t miss you a bit.

But the sky is not falling!! I’ll think of something good about 2007 before it disappears. Leave a note if you have any good to share.

We must end the year on a good note.

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