Wednesday, November 06, 2013

I'm 50! I'm 50 Years Old!

The big day is finally here.  I can't believe that I'm half of a century old today (11/6/13).  I don't feel 50 at all.  I thought I would get a little sentimental about turning fifty but you know, it's quite OK.

We are only as old as we feel. A recent survey done by an university (forgot the name) found that most folks don't think AGE makes them feel old.  What makes them feel old is when they can't live independently in their own place anymore and when they can no longer drive.  Great message and it came at the right time.

So, I've decided that I'm going to be the youngest fifty-something that one can be.  Remember, 50 is the new 30.  There is so much ahead of me and I better get going.

Happy Birthday to me!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm not afraid of aging, what's the alternative. What I don't look forward to is the constant tune-up needed: Blood pressure meds, fiber, stronger glasses LOL.
But hey, since I plan to stick around till 105, I better follow MD's RXes. You all with me? Let's make sure we all share our secrets in stayING young in body and mind.
Happy 50th Suts..i'm right behind you.