Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Dust in the Wind

The blue house few doors down across the street is a quiet house. A guy named Tony lives alone. I don't speak to him much but he and Dad chit-chat when they see each other outside.

In the past few days, I saw his garage opened and strangers going in and out taking things out.  I thought Tony decided to move after all these years.

Dad went over to check out. We were shocked to learn that Tony passed away in May.  We couldn't believe it!  According to Tony's brother-in-law, Tony found he had advanced stage cancer last September and it was too late for any treatment.

Unbelievable!  I usually saw Tony coming back from the gym when I left the house in the morning.  We would wave to each other.  So routine. So expected. When was the last time we waved to each other?  How could he just be gone like this?  We didn't even say good-bye. 

Tony's sister and brother-in-law came to clean out his stuff.  They got a big dumpster and just threw all his stuff in.  Bookcases, furniture, clothing and plants.  Everything.  They are going to put the house up for sale.

Just like that. All memories and belongings mean nothing when a person is gone. Whatever Tony had treasured and collected no longer has any value and is disposable.  No attachment.

The dumpster was filled to the top and was hauled away yesterday.  The house is now even more quiet than before.  All gone. There is no trace of Tony and the life he used to have.

Gone.  Just like dust on the wind.  Sad. RIP, Tony.

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