Monday, May 20, 2013

Red Tomato and Soy Sauce

How do you eat a tomato?  When I was a kid, I loved to eat my tomato like an apple but I liked to dip it in coarse brown sugar first.  The sweet crunchy sugar made the juicy tomato tasted like candy.  Adults, on the other hand, liked to dip tomato in a thick sweet savory soy sauce laced with freshly grated ginger.

Wait a minute, you might say, I never had it like this before.  This is actually an old recipe that's very popular in my parents' hometown, Tainan.  It can be an appetizer or a afternoon fruit snack.

The color contrast of this dish is striking too.  Black and red.  How beautiful is that?  Sweet and salty.  Mild tomato and spicy ginger.  A simple dish but it makes your senses explode.

I saw some nice looking fresh tomatoes yesterday and they reminded me of this dish.  I got some and asked mom how to make the sauce.  Dad was really excited because he hasn't had this dish for a very long time.  He kept reminding me, "Need ginger, lots of ginger!  Need sugar, Make sure you get that sweetness!"

As I was preparing the sauce, I was thinking that there are actually many dishes that have contrasting elements like this red tomato and soy sauce combo.  To name a few:

  • Deep fried crispy noodle with gooey sauce on top
  • Sweet and sour dishes and drinks
  • Fresh mango and sticky rice
  • Cucumber and hot chili sauce
  • Grilled bacon and mochi
  • Deep fried ice cream
  • (I'll add to the list as I think of more)

So this is not a funky dish.  It takes some imagination, but, heck, it's not odd.

Here's the thick soy sauce recipe for your fresh tomatoes:

  1. Boil soy sauce and some water
  2. Add enough sugar to balance the taste
  3. Add a dash of licorice powder
  4. Thicken the sauce with corn starch
  5. Add freshly grated ginger to the sauce
  6. Let cool. Serve with tomato slices (refrigerate the tomatoes until serving)
Give it a try, peeps.  Try other combos too.  Let your taste buds go wild!

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