Monday, January 14, 2013

A Mug Shot

I love searching for nice mugs at the thrift shops.  Finding one that I really love is like winning the lotto.

Somehow, using a mug I like makes the drink tastes better.  Really.

There are tons of mugs at the thrift shops.  Big, small, tall, short, ugly ones, cute ones... For some reasons, people love to get rid of mugs.  OK, I can understand the ones with logos or writings, but I can't figure out why nice ones too.

Maybe nice is subjective.  What's nice to me may not be nice to other people.  But fine quality should be universal.  Why would people throw away fine quality mugs?  Some of them are so new and no chips nor scratches too.

No complaints though.  My gain.  Over the years, I have found mugs that makes me happy.  Best of all, these mugs cost less than a cup of coffee each.  See the blue heart mug on the right?  It's a Japanese fine bone porcelain and I got it for 49 cents.  The tall tumbler in the back was either 99 cents or $1.99.  It gets me 10 cents off per cup of coffee for using my own mug.  I got my money back already.  It used to be purple.  The purple layer of film peeled off over time.  I ended up stripping it off and it's now a silver tumbler.  The Starbucks mugs cost a bundle at the stores.  Not at the thrift stores though.  They are all priced the same and wait for people to rediscover them again.

Go mug hunting next time, peeps.  You never know what you will find.

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