Sunday, May 06, 2012

The Gopher Day

Some gopher decided to make my front yard his home.  He's been digging holes here and there.  My lawn, already not so good looking, is looking even uglier.  Well, at least he was eating up the weeds and dandelions, but boy, is he messy!!

One of Dad's friends, Mr. Huang, suggested that I sprinkle some pepper in the hole.  He said it works like a charm.  I  didn't really believe him and I wasn't ready to grind fresh pepper in the hole.  What would the neighbors say?!

But I decided to give it a try yesterday because this gopher is now bold enough to poke his head out from the ground to say hello.  Cute little thing but he is supposed to stay underground.

So, I cranked the pepper mill over the hole and hope the gopher didn't sneeze too loud and the neighbors didn't see me.  I wasn't sure what to expect.  When I checked the hole 30 minutes later, guess what?  It's been covered up!!!

Did the gopher do it? What did it mean?  Is he ready to pack up, lock up the door and go?

Strange but true.   I just have to share.

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