Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The 2012 Freezer Food Challenge

THE GAME: Last March, I put myself to a freezer food challenge. For the entire month of March, I challenged myself to cook with only what was in the freezers.  Yes, it was a test of my cooking creativity (and recipe searching).

My mom and dad were good sports. They went along and cheered whatever I made and ate the dishes enthusiastically. I think we lasted 28 days. I made good progress with food inventory reduction, and I shamelessly declared myself winner of the 2011 freezer food challenge(applause please)

A year later, my two freezers are packed again. How that happened?  Well, I guess we're playing the easy-freezy game again.

SAME GAME RULES: I can only use what's in the freezer and in the pantry. No buying of new food except milk, eggs, bread/bagels, veggies and fruits. I do need to get onions, garlics, cilantro, green onions - you know, things that make food taste good. And, beer and wine, pIease. Timeouts on Saturdays and on days that we get sick of eating freezer foods.

LET THE GAME BEGINS!  So starting tomorrow, it's all about frozen food.  I hope now with a game under my belt, I'll be able to do better and be more creative than last year. Oh, the pressure... the pressure...

Hopefully, this also means I'll go back to more regular blogging.  Hey, and with my Project 365, I think this will be a very busy month.  Now, that's a good challenge!

Wish me luck peeps!
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Thursday, February 16, 2012

Project 365 (Minus X)

So I set out to do a Photo Project 365 in year 2012.  I did good the first day, the next day, the third day, then I skipped a day, and later more days....

* Sigh* Easier said than done.  Like so many things in life, it takes time; it takes thinking, and it takes dedication.

Although I'm kind of disappointed with myself, I'm not going to beat myself up for failing.  Yes, I can be more self-disciplined, but I also want to do this as way to explore, to observe and not as a chore.   I don't want it to become a daily task where I have to mechanically shoot a photo everyday - for 365 days.

WHAT DO I SEE?  I do need to open my inner eyes more. There is beauty in everything around us.  I think the most important thing with this project is to discover through my eyes, my heart and to capture with my camera lens.

I'm no way near there (yet).  I do want to become more sensitive to what's in my life.  Whether this is a complete 365 or not, I hope to be able to tell myself at year end that I have accomplished what I set out to do and that's to develop a greater appreciation for the daily happenings in life.

Home basking in the morning sun of January 1st.Trying a macro shot with the Sigma 17-50mm - 01/02/12A very foggy morning in SF - 01/03/12Pretty mushrooms - 1/4/12Old SF on display. 01/05/12My squeaky clean Jeep.  01/08/12
The bokeh looks like bubbles from the drink.  01/07/12A very cool 3-D sign at the Embarcaderos. 01/06/12Good night San Francisco!  - 01/09/12Getting Ready for Chinese New Year. - 01/10/12Unhealthy Lunch - 01/11/12.Sweets - part of Chinese New Year Tradition - 01/12/12
It's a Wrap.  - 01/13/12A Sweet Dessert Soup for the Winter. - 01/15/12Happy Breakfast - 01/16/12A Cold Morning - 01/17/12Light Up for the 49ers - 01/18/12Market Street in the Rain - 01/20/12
Celebrating Chinese New Year! - 01/21/12My Game Food - 01/22/12Waiting for My Appetizer...  01/23/12La Mar in San Francisco - 1/25/12A Foggy Morning - 01/27/12A view of the SF Bay without the Fog - 01/26/12

Project 365 (2012), a set on Flickr.