Monday, October 17, 2011

Remembering the Earthquake

October 17, 1989.  Has it been 22 years? And the bridge is till not finished?

Can you believe there is now a generation of people who wasn't even born when the earth shook on that fateful day?   To them, the Loma Prieta earthquake was just a piece of history - very much like the 1906 quake to me.  Yes, folks, it did happen. I wasn't here for the 1906 but I was here for the 1989.

Funny there was very little mention of it in today's news.  I wonder why.  Perhaps they are saving the big hee-haa for the 25th anniversary.

It was a very scary day for many of us and we will never forget.  Yes, we will be talking about it our whole life! Just like the 1906 quake survivors retelling their stories.

A little shake by Mother Nature and the earthlings flipped up side down.   A reminder from Mother Nature: be prepared; never take things for granted; treasure what you have, and learn from it.

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