Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Ho-Ho-Ho 2010

So another holiday season is upon us. Actually, the holiday season started way back around Halloween. Pumpkin orange and black just didn't mix well with red and green. Oh, in between, there was the autumn color of Thanksgiving too! Ugh!

Why the holiday season means shopping, shopping and more shopping? Don't we do that regularly already? I really don't appreciate the commercialization of this otherwise special season. It cheapens the spirits. Heck, it devalues the meaning of Christmas and other holidays by focusing on material goods.

What's Christmas?
I was at
Union Square last Thursday evening on my way to meet the DFS peeps. Lights were up. Trees were decorated. Ice rink was ready for those who wanted to skate in the rain. A homeless guy was singing off-key Christmas carols....Now, that's Christmas!

What's Special about this time of year? To me, the best part of the holiday season is the chance to catch up with folks whom I don't get to see often during the year. Sharing holiday cheers and catching up on the year's happenings is what's special. I met up with the DFS folks last week and I will be getting together with the Party America folks next week. To me, that is the essence of the holiday season.

Merry Christmas, everyone!

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