Friday, September 10, 2010

San Bruno Burning

It was a normal Thursday evening. At 6:15pm, people were getting home from work and school. Tables were being set for dinner and families were looking to unwind from the day. One second life was normal, next, upside down.

It hurts to see the destructions on TV. I'm only few miles north of the explosion, yet life is just normal as it can be. Plume of dark smoke hang over that area. Couldn't bear to think the pain, the suffering, the loss beneath that smoke.

People's life forever changed in a few seconds of time. It could have happened to any of us anytime anywhere. I'm so sorry that people of San Bruno have to suffer through this tragedy.

53 houses gone; 120 damaged; 3 lives (probably more) perished; many more injured. The neighborhood will eventually be rebuilt but life will be forever changed.

Sent from my iPhone.

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