Sunday, September 19, 2010

A Matching Set of Bookends

Dexter and Cleo do not know each other. Heck, their humans don't know each other. By chance, Cleo's human found Dexter's picture on my Flickr page and commented that she had a "bookend" picture of her doggy. Wow! No kidding!

How funny that the doggies had almost the same posture and the same expression. Yet, the pictures were taken at two different times. Cleo's was in April and Dexter's was just last week and look! One is Black and White and one is White and Black. Too cute!!

I just had to produce a "bookend" picture to share. Dexter and Cleo saying HELLO to each other somewhere through time and through cyberspace.

Friday, September 10, 2010

San Bruno the Day after

38 homes destroyed; 7 damaged. Still a lot but better than the initial 58 homes destroyed, 120 damaged report. This means, slightly less families suffer. It doesnt matter to those who have lost everything, but it may help the lucky few.

Need to do something for the community. It could have been my neighborhood. I could have known someone there. We don't know where disaster will strike next time. There will be no warning. Let's do what we can do NOW to help. Tomorrow, it could happen to you or me.

Donate cash
Donate clothings/food
Donate blood
Do something

San Bruno Burning

It was a normal Thursday evening. At 6:15pm, people were getting home from work and school. Tables were being set for dinner and families were looking to unwind from the day. One second life was normal, next, upside down.

It hurts to see the destructions on TV. I'm only few miles north of the explosion, yet life is just normal as it can be. Plume of dark smoke hang over that area. Couldn't bear to think the pain, the suffering, the loss beneath that smoke.

People's life forever changed in a few seconds of time. It could have happened to any of us anytime anywhere. I'm so sorry that people of San Bruno have to suffer through this tragedy.

53 houses gone; 120 damaged; 3 lives (probably more) perished; many more injured. The neighborhood will eventually be rebuilt but life will be forever changed.

Sent from my iPhone.

Saturday, September 04, 2010

Extremely Beautiful!

I visited the Extreme Mammals exhibit this morning at the California Academy of Science. This was my second attempt to see the exhibit. The first time was back in April but I didn't really have a good look that time because I had Carli in tote. That little monkey could not keep still and I was so afraid that she was going to destroy the exhibit. I love my dear niece but she is not coming with me to exhibits any time soon. Talking about extreme mammals, she is one alright.

But, peace and quiet at last. I had a chance to check out the exhibit in detail. Amazing. Just amazing! The way that life forms evolve and adapt is just so incredible and beautiful. There is a reason for why we are the way we are today.

Do You Know?

There are no flying marsupials because marsupial babies need to climb into the pouch right after birth so they need to have strong fore limbs for grabbing and climbing. Therefore their front limbs are too heavy to develop into wings or membranes for flight.

can carry 3 different babies developing at different stages at one time (one not being born yet. It's waiting for it's turn). Therefore, mama kangaroo produces 2 different kinds of milk at the same time - one from each nipple - to feed the older two that need different nutritional levels. Wow! Can you do that, cows?

Hold on to Your Headgears. Headgears come in different shapes and forms: horns, antlers, tusks... Besides using them to defend against predators, mammals see them as "team uniforms". Yes, like ones stick together like sport teams. Teammates dress alike. I guess humans did not invent uniforms after all.

My Take Away:
Life is art and it improves with time. gotta love it!