Friday, April 30, 2010

A Chunk of 2010 is Gone

Ugh!  Can't believe it's April 30th.  1/3 of 2010 will soon be history.  Where did the time go?  Seems like everyone I know agrees that time flies and no one can explain why or how.

What's memorable in the first 1/3 of the year?  Rain.  It seems that it is has been raining forever.  Not  heavy rain but enough to keep the umbrella at hand -- since November 2009.  Oh well, we do need the water, so really can't complain.  But, for God sake, it's spring.  Why do we still have our coats, hats, scarves and boots?

It's has been fairely quiet.  All things considered, it's not a bad thing at all.  Let's keep it this way.

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