Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Follow Me , Little Bad Luck

Recalled that I'm the queen of bad-luck-come-in-three's (or fours)... Yes, I still have the little ones following me like little ducklings following whatever they were imprinted on first. Just great, isn't it? Why can't little $$$ follow me instead?

Here's my latest: great Wrangler but with a ESP indicator light eternally on. Brought it to the dealer since it's still under full warranty. They had to order the ESP switch the first time. Light still on after replacement. Now they said another part has to be ordered. I'm still waiting two weeks later. How can it be for an American car?? Oh ya, I forgot it's Chrysler and Chrysler is rumored to go under. Here's more... when the guys opened up the panel the second time, they also disconnected something so now my AC doesn't work along with the light on the fan cluster panel. So now 3 things that I need to remember to get fixed. Then this morning I discovered a nail in my right rear tire so I have a slow leak. I'm getting it fixed this afternoon. Knowing my luck, I probably have a bad leak. *sigh*

OK, people, how do I tell my little bad luck duckies to go away? All advice welcome!

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Monday, April 27, 2009

Unpredictable Weather. Unpredictable Life

The weather is haywire. It was super sweaty hot, and then overnight, the temperature dropped to bone-chilling levels. Hot. Cold. Calm. Gusty. Beautiful blue. Foggy gray. Jacket? Coat? T-shirt? Sweater? Long pants? shorts? Cap? Scarf? Heck! We need them all. Can’t even predict what to wear for the day because it may be warm in the morning and cold in the afternoon. Nobody knows.

Yes, nobody knows what would happen in our lives.

Very sadly, I learned of a couple's split recently. They seemed to be the luckiest couple standing on top of the world: good looking, a beautiful home, a comfortable life, world travelers, good jobs, a great dog – all before age 40. Their relationship was even time tested. However, just like the weather – no body knows. Love was blown away like the wind and left no trace - just like that. House sits empty. Things moved out. Each going separate direction. The poor dog stands in the middle.

It bothers me because I know them both and I saw their love blossomed. So, it's difficult for me to see it ends and how it ends so dramatically. It was worse than a hurricane. Unfortunately, there isn’t anything anyone can do about it...

Here today gone tomorrow. Like the old Chinese saying, “there are always unpredictable wind and rain.” Dress appropriately until the next change. *sigh*

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

My Little Dream Came True

Ever since I was a teenager, I always dreamed of owning a Jeep Wrangler. Yes, a convertible Jeep sparkling under the bright sun. Me driving and a dog sitting next to me and together coasting down along a scenic road…. Ahhh…doesn’t that sound just cool... Every time I start my little daydreaming, RK would ask why a dog and not him. Well… I got this dream way before I met you, babe.

Unexpectedly, my dream came true two weeks ago. I was browsing through craigslist, and this perfect Wrangler popped up. It was exactly the one I wanted: a hardtop, black-on-black Sahara. Yes, I was very particular with the one I want. No 4-door, no soft-top, no dual color tone and it has to be an automatic….

RK and I went to check it out up in Petaluma. It was a 2007 beauty with 9,743 miles. One look and I knew it was mine.

We had a gorgeous weekend and I took the top down for the very first time. Dexter got in, poked his head out the top. We posed for the camera. RK said we were too color-coordinated. Well, I guess it was meant to be.