Monday, February 23, 2009

Oldie but Goodie

I found a "Vanilla Infusion Kit" on sale the other day. The instruction said to infuse the vanilla beans with vodka for 4-6 months before using it. Then, I can keep replenishing it with more vodka up to 7 years.

7 years, huh? Gee, I will be more than half of a century old in seven years, and you?

ANYTHING GOES. Have fun with infused vodka. I did it with blueberries before. Just put washed berries (make sure they are dry) in a big jar and filled the jar with vodka. Store the jar in the closet for at least 2 weeks and you will end up with very pretty blue-purple vodka.

Beauty grows and flavor develops with time. Aging is not a bad thing. Enjoy!

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