Friday, March 28, 2008

A Blast from the Past

WHAT WERE THE ODDS? RK was browsing YouTube and stumbled upon a video clip yesterday. He almost dropped from his chair when he played it, because he was in it. Not just him, but Dad, Mom, James, Connie, Amy, Lawrence as well. It was a news story produced by Dad's company, Overseas Chinese Television (OCTV), in the 80s.

He sent it over and I shared it with the family. We had a good laugh because everyone looked so different then. Well, it was a good 20 years gone by.

Not sure where the poster got the video clip (#1) but at least he credited OCTV by including the opening to the news program in its entirety. That was the most precious part.

Check out video clip #1 (especially the opening)...

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Hello Again...

A Green Drink Day. I arrived NYC on St. Patrick's Day. Midtown Manhattan was full of party goers and green was definitely the color of the day. The Irish bars - seemed like one on every block - were packed. Hello people, it's only Monday.

March 20th. I got to spend first day of Spring in New York. Being the fashion mecca, window displays were full of Spring colors: pink, yellow, green, white, all colors of the rainbow. Big contrast to dark color coats that people were still wearing. Soon, people will shed the heavy layers.

Spring Shower. I even experienced my first rain in New York. Hate to be one who has to take subway/metro on rainy days like this... I've been on BART on rainy days but nothing compared to the New York subway. The NY trains are smaller, narrower and more packed.

Think steamed buns.

Bear It. The big talk of the week was Bear Sterns and I happened to walk by the Bear Sterns building on one of my nightly strolls. A very impressive, nice building. But, it doesn't mean a thing when the stock is only worth $2/share to JPMorgan.

The tall building (behind the green roof and partially covered by clouds) on the right of the right picture is the Bear Sterns building.

Saturday, March 08, 2008

A Shorten Day

When I was a kid, a shorten day meant we got to go home early from school. Everyone all looked forward to a shorten day because more time for play!

The start of the Daylight Saving Time means tomorrow will be a shorten day literally. When 2am magically becomes 3am, I'll get one less hour of beauty sleep and I already have so little sleep time as is. Ouch!

A TRADE OFF: one less hour in time, but one extra hour of sun light. Daylight is supposed to lift people up mentally and emotionally. It's one rare thing that we can actually trade with time.