Friday, November 23, 2007

I'm Thankful...

Thanksgiving 2007: James, Jason, Jennifer, Caitlin, Brandon and Carli all came home for dinner. The family really wanted to have this dinner together because we were thankful that we made through another year. It has been a rough year. Mom's stroke turned our lives upside down, yet, we are grateful that WE'RE STILL WHOLE. Sadly, some of our friends and relatives have an empty seat at their Thanksgiving dinner this year. We are so lucky that we are able to celebrate the holiday with our mom and dad and each other.

What's Cooking? No turkey. We had roast pork and seafood paella but the side dishes had the traditional Thanksgiving touch: green bean casserole and brussel sprouts roasted with baby potatoes and apples. We started with prosciutto wrapped mango, salami wrapped candied fruit and cheeses and ended with pumpkin pie and sweet potato pie. Everyone pitched in to make the food but we cheated on desserts. I must have done pretty good because all was gone - no leftovers. Wow!

So another Thanksgiving has come and gone. Life has ups and downs but there is always something to be thankful - health, family and happiness. Treasure the moment now.

Happy Thanksgiving to all.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Ya Sista,

The Wu Clan of Novato was indeed well represented at the Thanksgiving feast. Thank you for being the best big sister a brother can have. We love you!