Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Screaming Magnolia

Almost overnight, RK's neighbor's tall tree transformed from bunch of dry twigs to a beautiful bouquet. The sight was amazing! The flowers were so pretty that I couldn't even take ugly pictures!

So what the heck is this tree? After googling all sort of combo - flowering tree, blooming tree, big flowers, flowers before leaves, etc... I think this is a Magnolia tree!! If I'm wrong, let me know.

Why flowers before leaves? I tried looking it up but decided to forget it and just enjoy before they're replaced by green leaves.


Anonymous said...

it looks a lot like a tulip tree to me.. but then again, I could be wrong..

Su-Tsen Wu said...

5/8/07 Upon further research, this particular Magnolia is known as "saucer magnolia" or tulip tree.