Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Screaming Magnolia

Almost overnight, RK's neighbor's tall tree transformed from bunch of dry twigs to a beautiful bouquet. The sight was amazing! The flowers were so pretty that I couldn't even take ugly pictures!

So what the heck is this tree? After googling all sort of combo - flowering tree, blooming tree, big flowers, flowers before leaves, etc... I think this is a Magnolia tree!! If I'm wrong, let me know.

Why flowers before leaves? I tried looking it up but decided to forget it and just enjoy before they're replaced by green leaves.

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Hello Gorgeous!

"Who? Me?" asked the sea gull...

"Ya? That would be me," said the seal... 

Sorry buddies, I was actually referring to the weather. It was one of those picturesque day in San Francisco yesterday. Bright sun and not a cloud in the sky. Air was on the chilly side but the sun warmed it up just right - not too hot and not too cold. My animal friends felt they couldn't miss it either.