Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Back in the City

I could feel the charge in the air as I came up from the BART station. It was an energy that only could be found in the city. It might have been the people, the cars, the noise, the pollution... together, they pumped me up. After being away from the financial district for 3 years, it's almost like being back home.

Things have not changed all that much. Most of the stores that I was familiar with and used to frequent are still in business. I am, however, older and hopefully a little wiser. Not sure where I will be in a few more years - things do happen - but for now, I'm glad to be back in the hustling and bustling of things.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

I'm Running Away

Well, after 2 years, I'm leaving my team. It has been a great ride though our team has gone through some bumpy roads.

We started with 3 and ended up with 7 - and we made a good name for HR and Payroll.

Our biggest goof was when we had to stuff checks for 2,000+ employees in 235 stores (the very first time) before the UPS truck showed up. We worked frantically and even had a plan to block the UPS truck from leaving if push came to shove. We stuffed all the checks in time but found empty envelopes and checks that had no envelopes... that was not a very pretty sight.

Our greatest accomplishment was when we had to sort 5,000+ W-2s by store numbers manually. Oh, the pains, the agonies, and the cursing... but we made it and pulled it through at the end.

Over the past two years, we lost 2 original team members and added a new one. Now I'm going, and someone will replace me... I know that she or he will be welcomed with open arms.

I wish my team the very best. They will forever have a place in my heart.
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