Monday, August 30, 2021

A Beaten City

I was in the office today and decided to take a stroll down to the Ferry Building during lunch.  This was my normal lunch hour routine.  It seemed so long ago...

When the City ordered everything shut down back in March 2020 to combat COVID-19, no one would have thought that the virus could take down the city and transform it so dramatically.

I walked down California Street and saw all those familiar places no longer opened.  Locked up restaurants.  Boarded-up storefronts. Quiet streets.  No more flower stands.  No more shoeshine guys.  No more street performers.  Even no homeless people.

It was quiet in the Ferry Building. Most businesses are shuttered.  The few remaining eateries were doing some business but it was because there were no other choices.

It is a beautiful day in San Francisco, but it is just not the same.  There is no energy.  Everything seems so tired.  Even the cable car bell-ringing does not even sound perky.

I just hope this is not the new San Francisco.