Friday, January 06, 2017

Kindness All Around

It's fun eating at a communal table especially in Chinatown.   The seating is usually cramped, and everyone just takes any seat available.  Often, people start chatting with complete strangers and in no time, they are talking like old pals.

Today at the Little Paris pho place, I shared a table with two ladies. Since I was sitting near the wall, I passed them the chopsticks, condiment dishes and spoons.  One lady was getting everyone the condiments.  We exchanged pleasantries while helping each other. For few minutes, we were like a family eating together although we were strangers to each other. 

This reminds me of a little story.  One time, Mom and I shared a table with an elderly couple. I poured them tea because it seemed to be the right thing to do in the presence of older folks. They were thrilled that I was polite and respectful to the elders so they insisted on buying us lunch.  

It's nice to know that there are times and places where people are nice to each other for no other reason than just being nice.