Monday, August 11, 2014

The New Bread Lady

I came a long way in learning to make bread.  From relying on the bread machine 100% to just using it to knead dough to making bread from beginning to finish by hand.  OK.  You can call me bread lady now!!

In the beginning, there was no guarantee that my bread would be successful.  First loaf might be great but the second one a flop.  No idea why.  So I would buy a loaf of bread as backup just in case mine failed.

On my bread making quest, I even tried no knead breads - they were supposed to be easy - but somehow they just didn't come out right. For a while, I was pretty deflated (ya, like bad yeast) since I couldn't even handle simple no knead.  Heck!  A 5 year-old can make no-knead breads!!

But I got the hang of kneading dough over time.  All the practicing paid off!!  I actually enjoy kneading dough now believe it or not.  And slowly but surely, my bread started to look like real bread on a consistent basis.  I even made a darn good loaf yesterday!  It was tall, soft, fluffy and good looking.

See?  You like?  You like??

Another life lesson learned: Practice makes perfect.  I learned to shape it like a sandwich bread from just yesterday.  Now, my bread is really coming together.

From memory, here's the honey whole wheat bread recipe (with minor adjustments from all the reviews I read):

1 1/8 cup warm water
1/4 cup honey
1 tsp salt
2 cups whole wheat flour
1 cup bread flour
2 TBL butter
1 1/2 tsp yeast

350° F for 25 minutes

The recipe is written for bread machine.  I just pretend that I'm the bread machine.  If the machine can make bread, so can I.

Monday, August 04, 2014

Piggy on the Roof

Look what's up on the roof?!?!  It's a PIG!  It's a PARTY PIG!

After all these years, I finally found the perfect weathervane for our roof.  You know, one of those whimsical thingies that sit on the rooftop; one that turns and turns when the wind blows; one that people usually stop to take a peek?  Ya, that weathervane!

I always wanted one but not just any one.  I want a pig because mom loves pigs and she collects anything pig.  Moreover, I want a unique pig up there - no more flying pigs (and roosters) - and I want it simple, elegant yet artistic.  Boy, it sure takes some searching.

I finally found one that I have been looking for and I think it makes a statement.  A dancing merry pig holding a martini.  How cool is that?  And, that's definitely the Wu Family theme.

James, Jason and I chipped in and got this cute pig weathervane for mom's 75th birthday.  It's hammered out of copper and made in Maine. James secretly installed the mount couple of days ago.  Yesterday, during mom's pre-birthday celebration (we shall party again on her actual birthday), we asked mom to come outside to take a peek.  She had no idea what she was about to see.  

Mom, look up!  Look up there!  It's a PIG! 

James hid on the roof waiting for my cue.  When all eyes were on the roof above the garage, he popped the pig in the mount.  Immediately, the pig started swirling and dancing in the wind holding that lovely martini.  It was so cute!!  Mom and dad got a good kick out of it.  Mom loved it so did everyone else.  

So, from now on, folks just have to look for the house with a party pig on the roof to find the Wu House.

Party on.