Wednesday, June 18, 2014

First Time for Many Things

Colon screening is like a ritual for those who turn 50.   Yap.  Doctor recommends that one should do a colon screening when reaching age 50.  When I had my annual checkup this year, my doc smiled and said, "it's time."

So I had my FIRST colonoscopy yesterday.  Along with the procedure, I also encountered my many firsts:

  • First time without solid food for 36 hours - just water and water and water...
  • First time having a IV injection - like blood donation except fluid going in not coming out
  • First time taking in pure oxygen
  • First time being wheeled in a hospital bed - what a weird feeling looking at the ceiling flying by
  • First time dozed off under anesthesia - knocked out in less than a minute

What an experience!  Welcome to to middle age, Suts!  The actual screening was the easiest part.  The worst part was preparing for it.  Not being able to eat was hard; drinking that nasty solution and 32 oz of water in one hour time was the hardest - and I had to do it twice!!

There are few ways to do colon screening.  Colonoscopy is the most invasive one yet the most thorough. Don't shy away because the procedure is inconvenient or unpleasant.  Take charge of your health.  Do your screening when the time comes.  This is the best 50th birthday present that you can give yourself.

To read more: Colon Screening