Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Different Shades of Gray

I am not fazed by finding gray hair or white hair on my head anymore.  I just look at it, sigh and pluck it. Out of sight.  Out of mind.  I'm thankful though.  The little gray and white thing has not taken over my head and I still have no need for hair coloring (not yet anyway).

As I get used to this "gray" business that comes with getting old, I find different shades of gray hair.  What causes it?  Well, you can blame it on this little pigment called melanin, which is responsible for giving us our hair color.  Without good old melanin, you get:

The silvery white - that's when you totally lost it.

The definite gray - that's when you lost most of it.
The depressing black tip-gray root - sorry, you're losing it
The hopeful white tip-black root - yay, you're regaining it -- maybe?
But, what's up with black tip-white middle-black root? - is this the ultimate comeback??  If so, I have few to show off.

So, as I get ready to turn half of a century old in a week, I gracefully accept the fact that "grayness" is inevitable.   Gray hair is like wrinkles...


YES.  Wrinkles!!  How can I forget about the wrinkles???  That's part of growing old too!!

But gray hair, wrinkles what not -- getting back to being graceful - we can stay FOREVER YOUNG on the inside because our mind and our heart will not turn gray (unless we kick the bucket) and have wrinkles.

I'll drink to that.  Cheers.