Tuesday, September 03, 2013


Yesterday morning while waiting to make a right turn at the street corner, I saw this older gentleman trying to chase after the 121 bus.  The bus got to the bus stop and pulled away before he got there so he missed it. I stopped and asked if he was trying to catch the bus. He said yes so I told him to hop on and I would drive him to the next bus stop. He was so happy and said his wife was behind him.  Hmmm.... I wasn't expecting two peeps but OK.

A older lady caught up to us and she was kind of out of breath.  Poor grandpa and grandma.  I told them that I was happy to give them a ride but they had to be able to climb into my Jeep.  Darn tall two-door Jeep!  Sorry, it's not a senior-friendly vehicle but this was all we got.

Grandpa said he could climb into the back.  He was tall and lanky and I was impressed that he was still pretty flexible all things considered and he managed to squeeze through to get to the back.  Grandma, on the other hand, had a little difficulty hopping in.  She had to do a little left-right foot move and a little pull-up with me pushing her from behind.  We then went after the bus, but I ended up driving them to their destination since it was the next exit down.

During the ride, I learned that they both are in their 80s and have been married for 52 years. The grandpa said I should play lotto and he predicted that  I will win because I'm a nice girl.  He won three $500 lottos in two months. "Play Fantasy 5" he recommended.

We had a good chat and the grandpa really liked the Jeep.  I wondered if he would get one now...  When they got off - we went through the same exercise but in reverse to unload them - the grandma hugged me and gave me a big kiss.

Awww... they made my day and I had happy bubbles all day.