Thursday, December 20, 2012

A Somber December

This year, Christmas lights are less bright.  Caroling less joyful.  Cheers are less loud.  Too many unexpected sad events have happened this December.

Jenny is gone.  Can't believe the vibrant Jenny left us abruptly.   It was supposed to be a very happy month for the Keng sisters.  They were getting together, girls only, to celebrate Jean's birthday.  Sheila arrived SF on the 7th.  We had dinner.  We talked to Jenny on the phone.  She said she was so looking forward to Sheila's visit to Santa Fe the next day and the birthday bash in Las Vegas the week after. Then, on the 8th, Jean got the call.  Jenny was gone. She left behind her husband, son, brothers and sisters.  Her passing was so sudden and everyone was left shocked and speechless.

Jenny was buried yesterday, December 19, 2012, in Santa Fe, New Mexico.

Grieving in Newton, CT.  A week before the Christmas weekend.  Kids and adults were getting ready for the holidays.  So much planning, so much joy, so looking forward to the celebrations. Then, on December 14, 2012, a gunman opened fire in an elementary school taking away lives of 20 innocent kids and 6 adults.  In matter of minutes, joy, hope, future and life were robbed by the most unthinkable.  So sad.  So hurt.  So senseless.

20 kid beds are now empty.  26 families will have a heartbroken Christmas.

Sadness in Oregon.  The Newton shooting dominated the news.  However, a few days before on December 11, 2012, innocent Christmas shoppers were killed by a gunman in cold blood in a Oregon mall.  They did not do anything wrong.  They were simply there at the wrong time.   These people had no idea that they would never return home again.  My heart ached for the loved ones who survived.  Now, there will be empty seats at Christmas dinner tables, and Christmas presents that will not be exchanged and opened.

世事無常.   Yes, things can happen any time any day but somehow these recent sad happenings hit me more than usual.  Perhaps it was because these people did not have a chance to say goodbyes.  They were just going about doing their business.  We are not supposed to leave this world in the middle of cooking, shopping, teaching and learning.  No.  It's not supposed to be like this especially during a month when all people look forward to is peace, joy, warm thoughts and happy plans.

Hard to say Merry Christmas to all but I guess life has to go on until the day we are gone.