Thursday, October 25, 2012

A GD Experience

Gary Danko.  Everyone woos and ahhs when you said you've dined there. It's like pinning a star to your lapel.  I have been wanting to check it out but never had the chance.  For starter, there is a two-month waiting list for a table.

At last, I got to visit last night with my buds.  What's the occasion?  Just because the girls want to get together and to splurge a little.

What an Experience!  Our party was super lucky.  We were able to reserve a private room without room charge because we booked for the right date and for the right time.

The menu is long and extensive.  The amazing part is that GD lets each guest "design" his/her own courses from appetizer to dessert.  I can imagine the work and the control that go on in the kitchen.  Each dish is prepared with detail and all of the dishes come out at the same time. No miscues.  And to think, they do this every single night for every single party.

Everyone is a VIP.  Not only the wait team professional, they are attentive.  They know when to step in and when to leave you alone.  Water and bread are promptly replenished without being asked.  Yes, this is basic service but how many times we have to look around and wave for attention in restaurants? Not here.

We got out of the restaurant feeling pampered -  like after a good massage.  I'm sure all the guests walk out feeling that way.  I ask myself. how they do it?  What makes GD one of the best?  Why couldn't all restaurants be this way?

What have I learned?  To be great in anything, you must have the passion to execute at the highest level, and I think the hardest part is to do it day in and day out. I think most of us fail on the consistency part. You really need to have a strong well for it.

So much to enjoy.  So much to learn.  What an experience!!