Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Double Dane for Keng

VICTOR IS OFFICIALLY A KENG!  After staying as a guest for the past two and a half months, he will now call Club JoLin his permanent home.

Victor's mom decided to give Victor up even though she has found a pet-friendly place.  Reason is that it's a condo with no outdoor space and Victor will most likely be crated and stay alone for most of the day during weekdays.  She just couldn't do that to this little happy rumbustious pup especially now he had two months of open space and companion.

So Alica asked if we would like to keep Victor for good.  Robert was, of course, more than willing.  YES-YES-YES!!!  I'll take him!

Dexter and Victor are great buds.  They are like two peas in a pod.  Dexter has grown into the big brother role.  He takes care of Victor and actually tells him what to do.  Victor is like, whatever you say, big bro.  Their canine communication is awesome.  It's just like human's.

We are thrilled to have Victor.  What a wonderful addition to the family!  The only thing is Robert will have to get used to picking up a 50-pound bag of dog food every two weeks.  It's back to double everything (like when we had Max and Dudu).