Monday, August 30, 2010

Happy Moon Festival

Chinese Moon Festival is just around the corner, but that wasn't what we were celebrating today (Oops, yesterday, since it's already past midnight).

Trader Joe's has a series of "moon" wines. Love the names and the pretty wine labels. I suggested to the girls that we should get together to sample the moons. Yap, easier said than done. It took 6 months to make this happen.

Nonetheless, we did, and boy did we had fun. We gathered around the "moons" and dutifully studied the type of grapes, the intensity and the order we should try them. I even had a wine note typed up. The idea was for everyone to write down her own experience on the appearance, the aromas and the taste but I forgot to bring the printout with me. Oh well, so much for a formal wine tasting.

Of course, cannot wine taste without food and, in our usual tradition, lots of food for 7 bottles of wines. I think we ate more than we drank because each of us brought home a "full moon".

Many thanks to Yvonne for hosting the moon festival. We miss Sandy and Julie who couldn't be there but they know: "月亮代表我的心".