Monday, May 31, 2010

Who Speaks Wine III

Un Toast! It's a joy to share a bottle of good wine with those who enjoy and appreciate it.

Cousins came over for our crawfish party on Saturday (5/29/10). My boy cousins enjoy drinking wines -- not that we know anything about them -- so I opened a 1981 French red along with two Californian so we can sample. The old French stole the show of course.

Can't remember how I ended up with it but it has been on the rack for a while. A quick google search revealed nothing. But what the heck, it's a 1981, pretty impressive enough for sake of conversation. Just think I haven't even graduated from high school in 1981. It was a life time ago.

How does it smell? How does it taste? The first pop released Gennie from the bottle after a long 30 years.... The aroma was wonderful but it tasted a little sour and bland at first. Let it breathe, I said, trying to sound like I knew what I was saying. And yes, the flavor did develop later. It became fuller and more layered. Like all good things, it takes time... Heck! how would you feel after being cooped up for almost 30 years?

Of course, we did the woos and ahhs as usual.

Talk about woos and ahhs... I have this bias about California wine. Somehow it has more wows and the ahhs than any other wines. To me, California wine is exciting and powerful from the first pop. (Is that speaking wine?) Who has time to wait it out???

Regardless where the wine is from, the important thing is sharing the moment with the ones you cherish. That's what it counts. Cheers to all!

Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Goodwill Hunting - II

AWESOME FINDS EVERYWHERE! The strange thing is I always find exactly what I'm looking for.

Perk Perk Away. I love coffee percolators. The sound of coffee perking along with coffee aroma building up are what we wake up to in the mornings. Do you know that coffee percolators are very sturdy appliances? Our house has probably only gone through two since my teenage years. The one we have now is almost 10 years old. Although it still perks away, I have been thinking of buying another one as a backup - JUST IN CASE. I figure I'll wait for the 20% off Bed and Beyond coupon. But, HA! Guess what I found last weekend? Yes, a almost brand new shiny percolator for $12.99 and it was still in its original box. Best of all: made in the USA! A hand written date on the warranty card showed that this baby was originally purchased in 1996. Wow, history too!

Look at Me!! As I happily toted the percolator around the store, I spotted another neato thing that RK has been looking for. A compact meat slicer in a box that looked like from the late 80s or early 90s. RK and I gave it a good look over: hmmm... dirty for sure, but all parts there... the blade still sharp... made in Germany, and most importantly, YES, it still works!! For $5.99, what's there to lose?

So both of us got our toys for the week. I cleaned up my percolator and it was beautiful. RK's meat slicer looked perfectly brand new after a good wash and it worked flawlessly.

Yes, Goodwill is a good place for treasure hunting. You find all sorts of stuff. How about a brand new Le Creuset Square Grill Pan for $9.99??? I just saw one in the store the other day for $90.00. I'm still scratching my head why a brand new top of the line cookware would be tucked away in bunch of old pots and pans. But, who is complaining?

Happy hunting, people!