Thursday, September 17, 2009

The Elusive White

Is it just me or a common occurrence with us middle-age folkies... You were brushing your hair and all of a sudden, you thought you saw a flash of silver white in the mirror.

Yeeks! Is it a white hair you wondered... You stopped brushing, got closer to the mirror, flipped your hair looking for the source of that white flash. You parted your hair right to left, left to right, front to back and back to front. Nothing. Hmmm, must be a reflection of the light - sometime shiny black hair reflects light you know...

OK, back to brushing. Couple of strokes later, you saw it again! Ugh!! That's it. Now there was an urgency to find that white hair because it had no business being there.

You dropped whatever you were doing and determined to find that white hair. Finally, many minutes later, you found it. It was a stubby white thing hidden in your full black hair. IT HAS TO GO!! You tried pulling it out with your fingers but it kept slipping away. So, you got a pair of tweezers: aim -- squeeze -- yank -- OUCH!! You looked at it triumphantly but it was your perfect black hair. The white one still standing tall. UGHHHHH!

Dramas! Dramas! Middle-age dramas!!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

It's Perfect Kind of Summer

What a gorgeous day! Warm and sunny. May I dare hope that this is the start of our Indian summer?

Indian Summer. Sounds exotic doesn’t it? But it actually means FAKE summer. It’s what Mother Nature ekes out in late summer to comfort those of us who brave these cold summer months.

Real or not, here in San Francisco, you are finally able to wear shorts, tank tops and apply sun screens. You can even sit outside by the piers to enjoy the sea, the breeze and the view.

For those who came in July and shivered in the fog, come back. You won’t be disappointed by our fake summer. We save the best for last.