Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Take It As Is

Black coffee: dark, rich and distinctive. The first sip has to be just right - piping hot, fresh, strong, unsweetened, and no burned smell or metallic taste. Ahh… a good sip means a good day.

Why black coffee? I had to go back to when I was 16 years old when I should have been drinking hot chocolate at that age. It wasn’t by choice. Hot chocolate was not served at this fish and bait shop by Galileo High. I went there every morning before class to get something hot to chase away the chills. And what was I doing at Galileo High? I was crazy to take an early morning BASIC/COBL computer programming class that summer when I could have and should have played lazy. And Galileo High was by the piers and wasn’t even that close to home. What was I thinking?

Anyway, back to black coffee… the fish and bait shop never seemed to have cream and sugar. I guessed the fishermen didn’t care about that. Gulp it down and out to the sea. In the beginning I would always ask the weathered owner for cream, and the answer was always a baritone NO. ”Sugar?” I would asked next hoping for the next best thing, but the answer was still NO.

Instead of walking out, I joined the fishermen and took my coffee black. By the end of the summer class, I was one of them!

Talk about a coffee experience… Beat that, Starbucks!

Monday, July 23, 2007

Cold and Gray

This summer is unlike any summer. It hasn't been a happy one. Mom is recovering from stroke; dear cousin is clinging to the oxygen tank because her lungs are failing her; RK's mom succumbed to her illness; mom's best friend, Aunt Lily, passed away from cancer, Ling-Ling is going through her chemotherapy, and Uncle, Derek's father, passed away unexpectedly from coronary artery blockage. He was okay one minute and gone the next. No goodbyes and no last hugs...

It's a sad summer for many of us. The light summer breeze can't lift our hearts and the sun can't seem to dry all the tears. Yet, life continues to move on. There is nothing we can do except march on...

Act Now: Live each day and enjoy every moment like there is no tomorrow. Remember to say "I Love You" before that opportunity is taken from us.

No regrets.