Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Go Dutch!

My first dutch oven – not the top of the line Le Creuset, but it should be good enough for my entry level tryouts. My first try was rice cooking. OK, I know it wasn't exciting but I had to take baby steps first... My second try was a roast leg of lamb. It was pretty simple and yes, the lamb came out quite delicious. It worked! Wow! I will try seafood stew next. Stay tuned for photos of my finished product.

Cooking technique learned: there is a difference between dry roasting vs. dutch oven roasting. Dry roasting is done with high temperature; dutch oven roasting requires liquid and is with moderate heat.

Monday, May 07, 2007

Go Under

OK, I was wrong and I stand corrected. Muni Metro DOES take you to the AT&T Ball Park, aka Pac Bell Park. So, I guess the down arrow on the street sign is accurate. See... the City does know what they're doing after all (map from the SF Muni website).