Thursday, November 30, 2006

Cold Blue Sky

Out in the Cold: I took a little walk to the Ferry Building during lunch today. It was very cold and most people huddled inside the building. Very few chose to go outside even though the sun was out and they sky was a pretty blue. I got to enjoy the empty plaza with a handful of people and one lonesome sea gull. It was quiet... A big contrast to the "busyness" of the financial district a block away.

Ferry Away: the ferry was about to leave. I wished I could have just jumped on and took off with it. It was a cold but beautiful day to play hooky. Out at the sea...fresh air... awesome view and a cup of good old Peet's coffee...

Sunday, November 19, 2006

I Promised You a Kahlua Cake

Here's the story: Once upon a time, two complete strangers struck up a conversation about baking and traded cake recipes on the spot in the houseware section of Macy's Cellar. I happened to have the apple nut coffee cake recipe with me (thanks Carol, it was your recipe) that day, but the lady didn't have her killer chocolate cake recipe, which she said I must have. She took my address and promised to mail it to me (the era before emails). Did she? You guessed it... If she didn't, I wouldn't be telling the story today.

Totally Delectable: a stranger kept her words to another when she did not really need to. It makes this chocolate cake extra sweet and scrumptious.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Pretend It's Winter

Somehow, 60 degree-ish weather, sunny blue sky, palm trees and ice skating just don't seem to go together. But here we are, ice skating ring ready and holiday music blasting... We are forced to enjoy this artificial winter.

Here's reality: the winter holidays season starts in early November. It doesn't matter that winter is still more than a month away, or that we haven't even had our Thanksgiving turkey. We have to hurry because we need more time for shopping - no I mean- to enjoy the holidays.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Street Cars of San Francisco

San Francisco Muni has street cars, trolleys and trams. So, which one is this? A quick google yielded enormous amount of info.

This particupar streetcar is part of the Milan, Italy tram fleet built in 1928. It even kept its original Milan car number 1818 and original orange color.

This tram was in operation before Dad was born. I wonder who had ridden in it and what stories happend on those rides...

Want to be part of its history? Ride the San Francisco Street Cars.