Sunday, August 13, 2006

Surrounded by Beauty

When going too fast, we ignore the small but beautiful things around us.
So, one of the 1,000 things to do after graduation is to ask myself to pay a little bit more attention to the smaller things and appreciate their existence.

"Everything is beautiful in its own way." It is the simple beauty that enriches our lives...

Monday, August 07, 2006

The Street Divide

I had to go to SF downtown today. I got off at the Civic Center Station and walked eastward. It was like in two completely different places after I crossed 4th Street on Market. On one side, I saw a city dead and hopeless; across, the city was filled with actions and activities. I saw wanderers on one side and saw tourists on the other; people moved around aimlessly at one side and people moved around with a sense of purpose on the other. How can store fronts closed and locked down with iron gates on one side of the street and across 4th street, the stores had loud displays and filled with shoppers...

It bothered me because I didn't understand how it could be nights and days merely by crossing a street. It was like crossing the border from one country to another. It made me sad yet I did not know if there was anything I could do.