Wednesday, July 19, 2006

A Pleasanton Surprise!

Robert and I took a little drive to downtown Pleasanton on Saturday (7/15/06). I wanted to visit Downtown again because I didn't have a chance to explore it while there for business last Tuesday.

I always thought of Pleasanton as a dry
, bland, ordinary town with cookie-cutter houses. I didn't know it had a very different downtown - it was lined with tall trees and old buildings with charming characters.

We took a little stroll through the area. The neighborhood had a comfortable old town feel. It was quiet and relaxing... It was hard to image that this area sits between Highway 580 and 680 - two of the busiest freeways in the bay area. Wow!

Right on Main Street, there were street signs showing the distances to Pleasanton's sister cities. I had never heard of these cities. So, must google!

Tulancingo, 2,300 miles south, is located in the State of Hidalgo, Mexico. It is the second most important city in that state. Blairgowrie, 5,020 miles east, is in Scotland by the Ericht River. According to Google, Fergus, Onatario, Canada, is the third sister city. No idea why it is not posted...

So, a little field trip taught me something about Pleasanton. I would not have learned about it if we didn't have this afternoon outing. It was a pleasant surprise.